WEEK 9 2020
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Saturday - Leap Year Day!!
Continuing working around the fenced portion of the back yard, putting the mortar covered bricks on top of the anti-dog-burrowing chicken wire and laying out the rest of the holes for the trees in the back yard. Since the bare root tree's are already budding, in the dark of the garage, I really really need to get them in the ground.
S said she wants to go down to visit her dad in Ojai, and I really need to get down and check on the boat, so we'll head down tomorrow and overnight - her at her dad's and me at Channel Islands harbor.
All the possible jobs down there have evaporated, which doesn't particularly bother me. I'm retired.
Friday - Another nice day.
I drove into town and bought 100 clay bricks in the "used" style. This just means they've been randomly smeared with mortar, so they will match the already done wall. Actually since they are all of the same dimension they look better, but the 25' gap at the driveway means it isn't too obvious.
Why 25'? Because the distance between the pilasters for the main wall is 12.5', so a gap of exactly double is easy on the eyes. And why 12.5 instead of 12'? Because it makes the number and size of bays match the width of the used portion of the property.
Now I kind of want some lights for the pillars, but as I recall the solar lanterns are very expensive. I'll have to check and see.
Thursday - I didn't do any work on the wall, but I did a bit more on getting the tree's into the ground in back. They aren't in, but I have stuff to do it now.
Did some reading on the app (the Lua book), and some personal reading.
Book #8 was Giants of Pangaea, by John C. Wright. An enjoyable adventure. Wright originally wrote it as a series of chapters, each ending with a cliffhanger impossible for our hero to get out of - like a serial of 50 or 100 years ago.
Wednesday -Another beautiful day, in the low 70's.
I started placing some of the old clay brick on the wall as toppers, first just to see 'how it will look', and then just continuing because why not?
It's a miscellaneous collection that I've had for years. I was thinking that there should probably be about 500 of them, which should more than do things, but forgot that I'd given some away, and some were broken, and some so coated in mortar as to not be usable. But the main portion of the wall now has a top, and I think it looks good. I call it "Old Mexico Style", which is Spanish for "old crap I had laying around". I do need to get the other 35' on the south side of the drive done.
Tuesday -Another nice day, about 70.
I finally got the rest of the cinder block and column block in, the wall is "done" (except for lacking capstones and a foundation). My hands are beginning to give out.
Monday -Another nice day.
I had a dentist appointment in the morning - two hours in the chair. Pretty beat after that, no working on the wall.
Sunday - A nice day.
Went into town for shopping with S in the morning. She also had a metal door mat that she'd picked up at a yard sale, for the neighbors of mine, whose young border collie had eaten their mat!
I was pretty tired and didn't do much beyond the usual Sunday chores. I did give the septic system a shot of juice, it's been about three months.