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WEEK 7 2021
Last Week- Sun- Mon- Tue- Wed- Thur- Fri- Sat- Next Week
Saturday - Still windy. Sustained winds in the 30mph range. Gusts to 50+mph.
The fence blew down again. This is weird.
At night I can occasionally hear a roar, like a...waterfall, train?...and then it hits the house and I can hear the house creak and the windows shake in their tracks. Hurricane force I'd guess, 60 or 70mph for a few seconds.
Cats are still unwell. Jim seems less ill, odd for the most delicate of the three, but even he threw up a few times. Keeping a roll of paper towels, brush, and carpet cleanser handy.
Friday -Windy, as predicted, gusting into the high 30's during the day, and continuing into the night.
I'd say two of the cats have intestinal issues, including Budd, who usually has a stomach of iron. Both just want to find a place to sleep...
Starting to recover from the trip, feeling a little more energetic than earlier in the week. Of course it's been almost 12 years since I was doing the 385 mile trip every month, but even then it took me a day or two to recover.
Thursday - An OK day.
But they are predicting a storm or front to pass through in the next few days. I guess a lot of the country is going to get hammered with blizzards, so that's not such a bad thing to get instead.
Book #13 was Quantum Shadows, by L.E. Modesitt. This was a one-off, not part of one of his interminable series. Not bad, but honestly, with L.E.M. it's like reading a Tom Swift or Louis L'Amour novel, other than plot details you pretty much know exactly what you are going to get.
One of the cats clearly has the runs...ugh. Not sure which though.
Wednesday - An OK day.
Still not really recuperated, did some minor chores about the house.
Did some more reading and stuff.
Tuesday - Gray and overcast.
Did not do much, recuperating from the drive.
Book #12 was Warbound (Grimnoir #3), by Larry Correia, wrapping up the series.
It's strange, I recognize little scenes here and there, but I'm sure I haven't read these in their entirety, or even 25% - maybe a sample or a hardbound from the library that I didn't finish?
Monday - Just another day on the road, back to Lancaster.
Bob suggested a nearby Chevron station in Carson City that had better prices than those on the main drag in Gardnerville. On the way up, because of the gas station problems I encountered in the AV last Thursday I ended up getting 5 gallons in Lee Vining...at $5/gallon. In CC it was $2.75.
It was a decent trip. Left late morning, but back before sunset - the days are getting longer.
There wasn't any hurry, the biggest issue being the lack of bathrooms along the way...
I stopped at Taboose Creek, and at the Bodie ghost town exit, and at the Tioga Pass (closed) road, just because.
I listened to The Return of the King via Audible on the way down. I had finished The Two Towers on the way up, and download ROTK via cell in Lee Vining on Saturday. Sometimes I still am amazed at the things that can happen in the 21st Century.
So, Book #11 was The Two Towers, by J.R.R. Tolkein. Recommended...
Cats seem fine.
Sunday - A normal winters day.
Bob and I went up to Spooners lake in the morning, walked around a bit in the snow. Quite the crowd there.
It was an OK game. I was a bit surprised they shut Mahome's down so well, but I haven't actually watched a full game all year. He was a trouper though, gave 110%.
Brady looked good.
Bob has a DVR, so we didn't actually watch any commercials... We could have, but they looked stupid. Even the Springsteen video had that odor of holier-than-thou sanctimonious jerk about it, with the sound off.
Bobs old cat, Xeno, is hanging in there. He preferred my lap to Bob's.