WEEK 44 2021
Last Week- Sun- Mon- Tue- Wed- Thur- Fri- Sat- Next Week
Saturday - Nice weather again, though maybe a chance of wind in the late afternoon.
Roger is putting the finishing touches on his year Halloween extravaganza, so we'll have to hope for calm weather.
Friday - Nice weather.
Cleaning up things a bit in the storage container, it was getting impassable again.
I found what I think is the swamp cooler cover, which is nice.
Thursday - Nice weather.
I installed the propane kit, it wasn't too hard, just tedious.
I did a load of hot, then cold.
The new washer is a top loader (since I'm tired of dealing with mold on a front loader) and has vastly more capacity than the old apartment 'Laundry Center' unit.
Basically I had 5 weeks of underclothes and it fit in a single load, not overburdening the machine; and then it all fit in the dryer.
Same with the darks and delicates. And so very very fast compared to before: that amount of laundry would literally have taken all of a Sunday to do in the old unit. Very pleased.
Wednesday - Nice weather.
The delivery guys showed up with the washer and dryer, took the old unit away.
I had mostly cleared out the laundry room and disconnected it, so their install of the washer went well, and they even sort of hooked up the dryer. For the dryer it was the flexible line only, since they won't install the new propane orifice or re-route the actual fixed metal exhaust pipe.
I ran a cycle through the washer, empty, it took about 45m, about 20m less than the old apartment unit.
I am mildly dreading putting in the orifice, washers and dryers have lot's of sharp sheet metal edges and the thing you need always seems to be in the back, but it needs to be done.
And I still need to do a couple small repairs, and paint in there. Fortunately the dryer is light and easy for even an old guy to move.
Tuesday - Decent weather. Clear. There was a trace of snow on the higher elevations in the Tehachapi's to the north in the morning, gone by late afternoon.
Went into Lowe's and bought a washer and dryer. They'll deliver and install tomorrow.
Well, they'll install the washer.
The dryer needs the propane conversion kit, which was out of stock when I was there. Later the salesman found one at another store and had it delivered, so that's good. The delivery guys won't do the conversion, so that'll be on me.
S says she might have some cabinets for me, since the two units mean I have to remove the old floor standing unit that was there.
Jim will be distraught at losing a hidey-hole behind a major appliance, always his favorite.
Monday - Raining. It's the atmospheric river" that they were predicting, it hit up north (snow in Tahoe), and then the stream as a whole moved south. It's nice after a parched summer.
Working on various things.
Puzzling over some of the requirements for Name, specs a bit unclear on everything. No big deal, there's an old Joel Sposky post on why specifications cannot be perfect.
S says that CSHA has accepted her proposal for a March talk. The app may be part of it.
Sunday - Decent, cool in the morning.
Did the usual shopping with S. Forgot to go look at washer and dryers at Lowe's next door.
Book #64 was The Lost Stars: Shattered Spear (Midway #4), by Jack Campbell.
I did a bunch of the usual stuff around the house, but I was actually pretty tired.