sailing the NorSea


WEEK 41 2021 

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Eighteen Years Ago, This Week, 2003 Seventeen Years Ago,
This Week, 2004
Sixteen Years Ago, This Week, 2005 Fifteen Years Ago, This Week, 2006
Fourteen Years Ago, This Week, 2007
Thirteen Years Ago, This Week, 2008
Twelve Years Ago, This Week, 2009
Eleven Years Ago, This Week, 2010
Ten Years Ago This Week,

Nine Years Ago This Week,
Eight Years Ago,
This Week,
Seven Years Ago This Week 2014 Six Years Ago This Week, 2015 Five Years Ago This Week, 2016 Four Years Ago This Week, 2017 Three Years Ago This Week, 2018 Two Years Ago This Week, 2019 One Year Ago This Week, 2020


Saturday 9 October   2021

Saturday - An OK day. 

Started Prepping for the big wind storm, up to 70mph out of the North to Northwest.  A strange direction, so I'm adding some guys to the tree's in the front yard to reinforce that particular direction.

I also need to take down the awnings in back, they will be fully exposed to a fully northern wind.

I wanted to watch the Dodger's vs Giant's divisional playoff, but says I'm outside the service area for radio-streaming broadcast (despite being in LA County), and of course I don't get TBS. 

Oh well, I really don't want to give money to those guys anyway, even eyeballs-viewing-ads money.

Friday 8 October 2021

Friday - Cloudy and ominous looking outside, no precipitation, though they are predicting a wind storm in a couple of days.

I think I'm signed up for Medicare now, though I'm waiting on confirmation.

I've discovered that you can't have an HSA and Medicare both.  What the hell?

Went to the local astronomy club meeting, down at the planetarium in Palmdale.  It was nice.  A bunch of graybeard's like myself mostly.

I guess one of our submarines hit something...the USS Connecticut, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

Thursday 7 October 2021

Thursday - Reasonably nice.

Spent the day doing bills, and going through medicare stuff. The stack of paper is about 6" high. My "to be shredded" pile is overflowing.

Some are proposals from Blue Cross.  Those are the scumbags that stiffed me for $12k in costs for my injured hand, years ago.  The chances of my using their services is "no" and "hell no".

Did some research, a lot of the stuff S wants to do with the app can't be done with PencilKit...  Too bad.

Still haven't fixed the old washer, or bought a new one.

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Wednesday - A reasonably nice day, mostly overcast and dry, but a bit windy.

I went out and pulled the sunscreen from over the tomato bushes.  Man, they looked sad.  A lot more tomato worm and aphid damage than I had realized.  One or two are essentially gone.

I squished three really big worms, then went out again in the early evening and killed another ten. Tomorrow I'll hit the plants with Neem Oil for the aphids.

The plants are trying to fruit (they do that late here in the high desert), there was even one golf-ball sized tomato, that I ate, and a number of green ones.  And even a few small eggplants.

Not much else going on, did some app stuff.

Book #56 was A Trail Through Time (St. Mary's #4), by Jodi Taylor. Some of the plotting and story line was good, some...not really sensible. Nonetheless, good enough to keep reading.

I shall order some more from the library.

No Deinonychus in this book, though if I was Isabella Barclay I'd start looking over my shoulder - Maxwell's enemies have a unfortunate tendency (for them) to end up as snacks in the Cretaceous.

Neighbor's dog was barking until midnight again.  A bulldog of some sort.

Tuesday 5 October  2021

Tuesday - Pleasant, though warm and a bit cloudy and windy later in the day. No astronomy.

The neighbor a couple houses away has a dog that barks constantly, this time until after midnight.  I may have to do something, though I am trying not to get irritated.

When you have a tendency to insomnia this kind of cr*p is infuriating.

I went out and "finished" the little wall.

The new saw is a joy to use, cuts through the PT lumber like it was barely even there.

That said, I'm still a terrible carpenter, and the 45 degree bevels were way off somehow, even though I used a carpenter's square. Even a new saw can't help with that.

But it is in, and mostly done, and I picked up and raked around that part of the yard, so there is a lot less tripping hazards to be found.

I still need to finish a bit of pathway, another 30sf, that I already have compacted the base for, but I have been waiting for cooler temps, which are predicted to happen "any day now".

Book #55 was A Second Chance (St. Mary's #3), by Jodi Taylor. 

It was OK, though with parallel universes and the "time can't be changed" edict gone the I feel that the author has full rein to be rather lazy in plotting.

I effed up, big time.  This morning was the retirement party for my friend Roger, and I completely whiffed on it.  I was sure it was Friday, and was planning to install Microsoft Teams later in the week so that I could attend virtually. 

The Flyer (that I passed along to others!) said today, and the emails all said today...and I just didn't realize.

It's an insult to my friend, and enraging and embarrassing to me. And I really would have liked to have seen the retrospective, and heard the stories.


And it's a bit scary: is it Alzheimer's, or just a one-off mistake that anyone could make?

Monday 4 October 2021

Monday - Warm and smoky, though not as bad as this weekend.

Did the usual morning chores, then a bunch of bill stuff.

S said yesterday that their trip to Charleston is off, temporarily, so I didn't have to pick up the Chihuahua's

I didn't get to the "improvement" part until late morning, by which time it was already past 90F outside, so I'll just pick that part up tomorrow.

I've made a couple of passes to pick off the horn worms on the tomatoes, but they are winning...

Sunday 3 October 2021

Sunday - Hot and smoky.

I did the usual grocery shopping with S, at WinCo and the 99 Cent Store.

I did my laundry at her house, since my washer is still on the fritz. I really need to look for another one: but the prices for retail are just stupendous, anywhere from $700 to $1200 just for a washer at Lowe's.

We spent a couple of minutes looking at them when we went by Lowe's, where I bought a new 120V 7 1/4" circular saw, a DeWalt, and a couple of blades for the 10" Power Miter Saw, a 24T and a 60T.

I do have a little Ryobi 5" or 6"  battery powered circular saw, but it's too under powered for this stuff, a nice 15A motor is what you want.

Then we sat down at her place and went through the spec, Name.v4, and synced the new version of Google Drive without any major issues (i brought my laptop).

I was very tired afterwards, and didn't do much for the rest of the day.

Book #54 was Perilous Shield (Midway #2), by Jack Campbell.  It was OK.

There is an issue with Libby loans through Amazon: if you don't "return" the book from both the library and Amazon locations it doesn't really return until your two week loan is ended. I had thought I had returned some books after a day or two, only to get the 2-week loan-ended notifications.

No wonder there are many people waiting for e-books on loan.

Picture of the Week

Harvest Moon 2021 w/Jupiter
  The Harvest Moon (and Jupiter), September 2021.

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