WEEK 33 2021
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Saturday -Very hot, 110F plus.
I didn't do much, because it was just too hot.
Book #44 was The Hidden Masters of Marandu (POR #2), by Jack Campbell. These are OK, but the main protagonist is a bit of a Mary Sue, and that gets old after a while.
Picked some more tomato worms off the plants in the evening.
Friday - Hot, but just normally hot.
But windy, very windy. And hazy. In fact there were clouds!!
Did some standard house chores, as usual.
Picked some tomato worms off the plants in the evening, as I have for the last few evenings. Ugh.
I did go out in the morning and put the Softtopper on, mostly. It was pretty straightforward, and only took about an hour or so. I still need to apply the velcro or snaps, and seal the seams, but the forums suggested waiting a few days before doing that, so I will. I did drive around a bit, and didn't see much in the way of flapping or any other issues.
Now to go somewhere!
Book #43 was The Dragons of Dorcastle (Pillars of Reality #1), by Jack Campbell. This is a bit difficult to classify, but I'd say similar to Zelazny's Lord of Light: a colony on another world with some psychic elements.
Thursday - Hot.
But not crazy hot, about 102F or so, and windy and hazy.
Working on bills and such for most of the day. Feeling a bit down about things.
I wanted to go out and put the soft topper on the truck, but it was baking hot, even in the shade, despite it only being nominally hot - 102F, 20% humidity, 20mph winds.
Wednesday - Hot. 105F or so.
Went into town, picked up some Neem oil and some AAA batteries.
Spritzed all the plants with neem oil, picked more hornworms off of more plants. Dang.
I had intended to pick up a wall topper at Home Depot, to see if it matched the 180 I bought for cheap last year...but they didn't seem to have any. They've rearranged things, in kind of a stupid way, but I didn't see them. This is par for the course shopping at "brick and mortar" stores around here.
I have a few from Lowes, where the color matches but they are only about 1.5" thick, not the full 2" of the big pile.
Tuesday - Hot.
Dug out the rest of the area around the step. Ugh.
I noticed some hornworm damage while watering my tomatoes, so went out in the evening with a UV light and picked a half dozen off my best tomato plant, which is finally starting to have some fruit. Damn.
While driving down to UCLA last week my wipers were coming apart when I tried to clean the windshields. The truck was built in October of 2018, and has been in the desert sun since then, so it isn't unexpected.
Unbeknownst to me S got onto her phone and ordered me a nice set of RainX wiper blades while we were driving, which arrived Monday.
They fit fine, and now I'm set for a while. It looks as though the wiper packages had been opened and returned, but they were clearly the right item and appeared unused, so no harm done.
But amazon's quality control obviously continues to decline.
Monday - Hot.
I started digging out around the rear step. It's a mess - the step and it's pad are not a "real" dimension, or a "nominal" dimension, and the pad forms were not level and bowed when the concrete was poured. Really it should be demolished and redone...but not this year.
Anyway, called it a day after an hour or two.
Sunday - Hot.
I went shopping with S in the morning, got just a few things, mostly vegetables.