sailing the NorSea


WEEK 31 2021 

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Saturday 31 July  2021

Saturday - Hot.

In the morning, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I started up on another bit of walkway, near the patio-to-be in the back yard, about 11' worth.

The pile of dirt and rocks and weeks right under the spigot that I have to use every day to water things is getting annoying.

I had actually just left the water on, but the hose has developed an alarming bulge, it's going to explode soon.

I'd started this particular bit a year and a half (two and a half years?) ago, but just got side tracked with all the other things that needed doing.

To help with the heat I hung up a blue poly tarp over that area..  It isn't great, but it helps a bit.

I should have enough pavers, but I tend to use them for other things when they are just sitting in a pile, so I may have to buy some more.  And some more paver sand.

Friday 30  July 2021

Friday - Hot.

Spent some time in the morning at a doctor's office, waiting for someone to get their biopsy.  They were told not to drive, but it was just a simple needle biopsy. When the patient asked why they needed a driver they said "Because sometimes people faint at the sight of a needle."

After that I went and got S and we went and got her electric bike out of hock.

And then she paid for lunch (take out) from Lee Esther's Cajun.  Mmmmmm, Jambalaya!

Ughhh.  CNN, not exactly a bed of right wing extremism, published a graphic showing that the year over year inflation was 23%.  The official government number is under 5% I believe.

Thursday 29 July 2021

Thursday - Hot.

I made a couple of planters of "cat grass".  My cats pretty much mowed it level the first day, glad I had two.

After about a week they lost interest, so I gave another to R&S, who reported that their cats mowed it level too.

Generally this interest last for a week, then they start to ignore it.  Budd is the most attentive, followed by Jim, and Suzy is only mildly interested after a couple of days.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Wednesday - Hot.

I went into town for a couple of things, and also picked up S and her electric bike and took her to the bike shop in Palmdale.  They were super busy, but when she mentioned her husband's name they were all "Come right in!!!"  He's a good customer, regularly crashing his super expensive bike and bringing it in for them to fix.

S just had a problem with a broken shifter cable, but it's a fancy german electric bike, but they said they could fix it in a day or two.

I got a nice lunch from El Pollo Loco out of that.

Also some home made cookies.

Tuesday 27 July  2021

Tuesday - Hot.

Anyway, back to the courthouse and lots of waiting on the hard benches.  We got sworn in, and watched a stupid woke video.

Finally got to hear what the case was about: a squatter in a house, hadn't paid rent since BEFORE the COVID epidemic.

Anyway, after hours of fooling about the attorney's got to the voir dire portion.  They asked me what I thought - I said it was outright theft from the landlord.  I may have gotten a bit heated, but mentioned that while my experieces were good as a landlord that my good friends R&S had horrible experiences, aided and abetted by the court systems stupidity. Which is true.  And so they released me, back into the general jury pool.

Fortunately the general jury pool people ALSO released me, so I'm free again.

Amusingly the older lady I sat behind, a very nice and liberal church children's pastor was also released at almost the same time,  but by the other side...

Monday 26 July 2021

Monday - Hot.

Off to the courthouse.  Ugh.  Not much to say, rather than letting us sit in the comfortable jury assemble room we were forced to wait in the barren hard corridor outside the courtroom. There was no-where to sit, except for a few stainless steel benches without backs. We were handed a form to fill out, then sent home, and told to come back tomorrow.  So, three utterly wasted hours. More like five, if you count getting there early and the commute.

S mentioned that shes singing us up for Facebook, and Instagram and stuff, just to keep people from squatting on our name. 

Quote: "I feel dirty".

Sunday 25 July 2021

Sunday - Hot. 

I went shopping with S in the morning, got just a few things.

We stopped at a yard sale, but didn't buy anything.  After thinking about it for a bit I called and said that I wanted the inexpensive wardrobe, and she said she wanted a shelf for her office, so we went back and got them.  First we got her shelf, and loaded it up in the truck and took it to her office. Then we went back and got the wardrobe.  For $25 it should make a good storage locked for all the little astronomical bits and pieces I've been collecting.

It needs a pad for one foot. and a drawer handle, but other than that it's fine.

I wandered around the house a bit, ransacked some clothes storage drawers, and now I have enough decent clothes for a few days at the courthouse.  I'm dreading it, but I guess there's not getting out of it.

I went to dinner with the neighbors, at the brazilian place downtown, since it was one of their son's birthday.  It was decent food, good steak.

Picture of the Week

rain squals antelope valley
Rain Squalls east of Antelope Acres, July 2021.

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