sailing the NorSea


WEEK 27 2021 

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Saturday 3 July  2021

Saturday -Hot.

Happy Independence Day!

Friday 2 July 2021

Friday - Hot.

Thursday 1 July 2021

Thursday - Hot. It's cleared up though.

The peaches at R&S's place are starting to show color.  They aren't netted, but are still pretty green.

Dinner was a potato microwaved in a "pouch" and some brussel sprouts.  The pouch works amazingly well - it tastes like oven cooked!

Since lunch was a hoagie at R&S's I didn't really feel like I needed a meat portion.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Wednesday - Hot, but not crazy hot.

There's a lot of smoke on the horizon, easily visible at nightfall, though there hasn't been much on the local news about fires.  There are, of course, big fires elsewhere in the state.

I took the opportunity to clear up a bunch of construction debris in the back yard, outside the french doors.  I dry laid the pavers (cap stones actually) on the ground in a nice rectangular way, with the post for the awning just inset, about a 8x12 area.  And moved a lot of the other stuff away.  It looks a lot better.

But it was 8 hours of work.

Tuesday 29 June  2021

Tuesday - Hot. And overcast.  And humid.  Bah.

Using the "mechanical" window a/c units.  All of them. And the swamp cooler motor has bit the dust.  Ugh.  Too hot to go up and fix it.

Monday 28 June 2021

Monday - Hot.

The mister and the shade seem to be working well for the dogs.  And the wading pools.

Krypton, in fact, wants to fetch in this heat, but I'll only do a little because (a) it's really hot and I don't want to die, and (b) it's really hot and I don't want the dog to die.

Sunday 27 June 2021

Sunday - Hot.  112F on the front porch thermometer.

I didn't do any shopping - I'm pretty lazy when there isn't someone around to kick my sorry a** into gear...

S mentioned that re-ordered the "BT" spray for the plants, the first vendor has been unable to deliver for weeks...
R&S are still on vacation.  It was hot enough that I started up the little portable swamp cooler in the early evening, pointed at the dog kennels.  It probably blows out at about 75F, which is much nicer than the garage at 106F.  The garage cools down quickly, but the first few hours, even after I've opened the doors, is a bear.

Picture of the Week

Budd looking out the window at sunset, May 2021.

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