sailing the NorSea


WEEK 24 2021 

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Eighteen Years Ago, This Week, 2003 Seventeen Years Ago,
This Week, 2004
Sixteen Years Ago, This Week, 2005 Fifteen Years Ago, This Week, 2006
Fourteen Years Ago, This Week, 2007
Thirteen Years Ago, This Week, 2008
Twelve Years Ago, This Week, 2009
Eleven Years Ago, This Week, 2010
Ten Years Ago This Week,

Nine Years Ago This Week,
Eight Years Ago,
This Week,
Seven Years Ago This Week 2014 Six Years Ago This Week, 2015 Five Years Ago This Week, 2016 Four Years Ago This Week, 2017 Three Years Ago This Week, 2018 Two Years Ago This Week, 2019 One Year Ago This Week, 2020


Saturday 12 June  2021

Saturday - OTR.

Quite pleasant and nice in San Diego.

It was a good little party, Tim put me to work helping set up and take down, so I didn't feel like a useless lump.

A lot of people showed up, mostly older, but a few of the guest of honors friends - they all hung out together at their own table (ah, to be 18!).

I had a chance to catch up with a lot of people I hadn't seen in a couple of years.

Friday 11 June 2021

Friday - OTR, down to San Diego.

I took a couple of my neighbor's boys with me.  He's decided to buy the Odyssey, after looking over the extensive documentation that Tim had - one boy is moving out soon and needs a reliable vehicle, so this and the very reasonable price work for him.

Traffic down was heavy, very heavy.  I'd been warned that with the end of the state's lockdown that everyone was on the road, and it's true.  But things went OK. We arrived before noon, and the boys signed some papers and headed back.  They could have stayed for lunch, but seeing the traffic in the morning we were concerned about the levels heading out of town towards Vegas later in the day. And rightly so, they made it home fine, but said it was very very very heavy and slow going back to Lancaster.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Thursday - Hot.

Did another magnetic sweep - glad I did because there were a lot of loose nails from the pile that I moved yesterday.  I'd forgotten about disassembling all those particle board shelves back there.

Wiring was pretty much OK.  The drivers side had an issue, but that was fixed by simply re-seating the bulb.  I put the license plate back on it, checked running, brake, and turn signals, so it's set to move, once tired are done.

I looked for, but couldn't find a "good" trailer lock - the one that was on there came off with a strong pull, and is now frozen open. I'll let S know.

Sheryl can drop them off and pick up the tires - well, actually the help at Walmart will do the heavy lifting, and I can take them out of the van and put them on when I get back from San Diego next week.

Tim's daughter, Bethany, is graduating, so I watched the stream of it live on YouTube.  What an era we live in! She gave one of the speeches, so I guess shes a valedictorian? I know her GPA is 4+.

There is a little party on Saturday, so I'll drive down tomorrow to attend.

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Wednesday - Hot.

I had hosed off the tires and put them in the back of the Ram, so I took them into Lancaster and put them directly into S's van for delivery to WalMart on Friday.

Tomorrow morning I'll mess with the wiring and lights.  There is one small pile of debris that needs to be cleared before I back the truck in.

Tuesday 8 June  2021

Tuesday - Hot.

That 10th lug nut came loose and the boat trailer, so it was a day for tire removal.

I was going to buy a lightweight floor jack from Harbor Freight, but my neighbor AH loaned me his.  I used a 1" thick piece of plywood as a base for the jack, and some 50# landscape blocks as jack stands (the actual things would sink into the soil, these are much better (and no, they aren't cinder blocks, and I didn't go underneath anything even so).

It all went pretty well, and I got both tires off in an hour or so. It was hot, and I was wearing a (very worn) long sleeved wool shirt because I was laying in dust and stickers and spiders and cat pee traces, so it was a relief to get done.

And I hurt doing it - I just don't seem to have really recovered from the COVID jab yet.

Monday 7 June 2021

Monday - Hot.

I managed to loosen 9 of 10 lug nuts, the 10th can steep in Boost overnight. I am trying not to torque off a stud: did that once, or my Dad did, and it was a pain to get fixed.

I also gave all the tree's a drink of B-1.

Sunday 6 June 2021

Sunday - Shopping in the morning with S.

S ordered some tires from Walmart, they are shipped directly there, and we will take the existing tires and rims in on Friday so they can replace things. For $14 extra it is more than worth it. So, my job is to get them tires OFF.  They've been on for over a decade.  I see a lot of "Boost" in the future.

I have some home made lasagna that S dropped off during the pirate ship photo shoot last week, so I reheated a block for dinner: delicious!

Picture of the Week

Budd looking out window at sunset.
Budd looking out the window at sunset, May 2021.

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