WEEK 22 2020
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Saturday - Warm, but not too crazy.
I needed a couple more "Chinesium" metal shelves to completely fill the wall in the containers (un-insulated section). There was a guy on Craigslist with a metal shelf unit that sounded like it would match what I had, so I went by in late morning and bought it for $10. It's beat up, but better than a couple of the ones I already own.
Oddly these type of shelves don't seem to be sold any more. They all are "wire racks" now, and they want about $50 for the cheap ones, new. Gahh. There are also plastic shelving units, but I don't think they'd do well in the 110F+ temps inside the container all summer. These flimsy grey metal industrial units used to be like cockroaches, they were everywhere for $2 at yard sales, and $20 new. You can still get the $100 and $150 units, but that's overkill for this.
The guy I bought from was a hoarder by the way: the entire interior lower floor of his newer probably 3000SF house looked like my container, before I started organizing it. Well, to each his own. It harms no-one and gives him pleasure/security.
The SpaceX launch to the ISS, with astronauts, went flawlessly. I haven't been so nervous about a launch in years.
Friday - Hot.
Glen came by and we put some more hours in.
I finally got tired of the mess in the blue container, and we dragged all sorts of stuff out of there, and lined up all the old cheap metal shelving along one wall, so it's accessible. We also moved the wood lathe into the front part, and I started collecting up all the tools for it, that are scattered all over. I need boxes of a certain size for the shelving, preferable milk crate style boxes, but those are hard to find.
There was a lot of trash, of course, and the extra trash barrel that was outside and was of decayed stuff in water we emptied, and hosed out. It was pretty rank. I filled my bins, again.
I wanted to move the particle board shelving units inside, but they started fall apart when we were trying to move them. Basically the backs disintegrated. I need to get some light duty plywood and salvage them, at some point. We disassembled them and stacked them (relatively easy since they were clearly some sort of flatpack item originally) to prevent further damage, and I saved the hardware in a box.
Thursday - Hot.
S let me down: I was sure she had a crucible amongst all her yard sale treasures, and she did, but she'd given it away to her step dad. Bah.
There are a number of crucibles for metal on Ebay, but all new. I had heard that the stores and shops are out of crafting stuff: everyone is busy at home with their hobbies during the Coronavirus lockdown.
The idea was that I'd cast some lead or aluminium finials for the posts out front.
Well, maybe Dave has one, or Aaron.
I was busy inside, and didn't stay outside to watch for the trash guy, so he only took one of the cans when he came by, not the greenwaste. I could tell that the other wasn't even moved. You can tell when a company has a monopoly and they Just.Don't.Care.
Wednesday - Hot.
I didn't do much, some cleaning up around the house. Pretty tired.
The office is much cooler, but it is unusable still in late afternoon, even wearing just shorts and a smile.
SpaceX was supposed to launch two astronauts to the ISS, but there was a weather hold and they've rescheduled for Saturday.
Tuesday -Warming up.
Glen came by and we put in another six hours of work in the yard. The tote is almost full, but I think we have avoided any issues with the fire department. I tried to get the gas mower and the string trimmer to work, without any luck.
I tried to start the Explorer and the battery was dead. Annoying. I need to borrow a charger from AH, I can't find my old one and the new one is on the boat.
Monday - Memorial Day.
Glen came by and we put about six hours into yard work, completely filling the tote with weeds again, and taking it over to his house and the big dumpster.
The small spline I ordered for installing the SunTex fabric had arrived last week, so I made two more screens up.
What a difference 0.02" makes - from practically impossible at 0.144" to normal amounts of effort. This finishes up the lower screens in the west bedroom. I still need to do either or both of the master bedroom and front room, but I suspect I don't have much fabric left.
Sunday - Warm again.
I went shopping in the morning for groceries, with S.
After that I did a few chores, some cleanup in the yard, deep watering of the trees.
Book #22 was The Last Space Viking, by John Carr & Mike Robertson. this takes place about a hundred years after Piper's 'Space Viking', and the alliance formed then, the League of Civilized Worlds, is falling apart. But the Space Viking worlds, the 'Sword Worlds' are also splintering and decaying...