Sailing Hummingbird feeder

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WEEK 1 2008

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Saturday 5 January 2008
Saturday - a busy day, my day off was. Lot's of errands. I had a list of 21 things to do, and added to it frequently. Less frequently I checked items off.

Most importantly - the dentist got the new crown on, after a bit of fussing about. So, an hour in the chair and that's done. I brought my checkbook, ready to pay what I thought was a $200 balance, only to find the insurance had covered it. Cool.

Another tedious chore was to do more bills. And reconcile the check book(s). Bah. But it's done.

A work related task was to pick up a couple of tape measures. My old 30' Black and Decker tape will no longer retract past the six foot mark, which makes it awkward to put in a pocket. It's also rusting, which stains my hands and everything it comes in contact with. I replaced it with a standard 25' Stanley tape as backup, and a primary 30' Stanley FatMax Extreme. The latter, as suggested by the name, is very wide and can extend straight out, without elastic buckling, to a distance of 13 feet, 'standout' the plastic packaging calls it. Also one can extend it upwards further without collapsing, very useful. (Epinion reviews of the original FatMax).

It is, however, heavy.

That done, I was walking out of the store and passed a display of laser tape measures. What's a guy to do? It's the 21st Century after all. I picked one up, a Berger Fat Max Leica, and we'll see how it works/lasts in the field. Even a few minutes a day of productivity adds up across weeks and months.

It was early evening by the time I returned home. I unloaded groceries, sniffed, changed the kitty litter, and then went over to some friends for dinner (some excellent omelets) and a couple of DVD's on the telly. The first was Oceans 11 Oceans 12 Oceans 13, and despite my inability to sit through Oceans 11 (original or new) I enjoyed it. I do like a good heist movie, particularly one not weighted down with boring character exposition and back story... Then we watched The Titfield Thunderbolt, which was amusing and (to my surprise) in Technicolor.

Friday 4 January 2008

Friday -  a rain day. But there were so many errands to run, bills to pay, that I didn't get out of Oxnard until late afternoon. Ah well. I've a dental appointment Saturday, at noon, so there is that to look forward too.

It rained quite a bit on the way home, and was windy along the 126. But by the time I was near the top of the pass on the 14 Freeway it had calmed down and there was no rain.

Later in the evening it rained, a good solid rain, and the wind blew enough to keep me and the cats awake until midnight. The reports say 25MPH or so, but it seems stronger.

Thursday 3 January  2008

Thursday - work.

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Wednesday -  work.

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Tuesday - New Years Eve I spent at a friends place. We watched the fire flicker in the fireplace for most of the evening, declining to watch the Monk DVD's. At some point I fell asleep, but woke up in time to hear the gunshots and rockets bursting into noisy flight...

New Years day, I took care of some errands and was back on the road for Oxnard. Work, you know....

 Monday 31 December 2007

Monday -  see last week.

Sunday 30 December 2007

Sunday - see last week.

Picture of the Week
clouds and hills
Photo Notes: Clouds and hills.

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