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WEEK 12 2020
Last Week- Sun- Mon- Tue- Wed- Thur- Fri- Sat- Next Week
Saturday - It was about 60F, not bad. They are predicting another front to blow through, but there's nothing on the radar yet.
I had to remove the Weather Underground widgets the other day, as they stopped working. I've had them up to for a decade or more I suppose. Civilization continues to decline... In particular WU continues to degrade. I'm now getting random full page ads that have to be clicked through to get to the broken and often incorrect page. Their database is actually getting worse, from what I can tell.
Friday - Decent enough weather.
S's son K says his ship is quarantined in Sasebo, but he himself is at class in Tokyo, so I guess that's nice for him? I get the impression it isn't because anyone has CV, they are trying to prevent that, much like Edwards shutting out the (non-essential) contractor force.
They announced the first CV death in Contra Costa County. I've found a couple of tracking sites that allow you to plot the contagion on a semi-log plot - for the poor old USA it's just a straight line since the beginning of March.
My brother says it's all telecommute work from now on. He's setting up a home office for that.
I believe R is doing the same, for NASA.
Thursday - Cool out, low 50's.
It was the Vernal Equinox, but too gray and cloudy to bother trying to take a photo.
Doing various things around the house. Including some much needed cleaning up in the garage. It needs a lot more though.
S had to shut down here business, not considered essential I guess.
She did sat that she went to WinCo and it was quite busy. Some stores are starting up early bird hours for old folks, like myself, to get in before the contaminated crowds, but not WinCo (yet).
My brother texted that contractors are locked out of Edwards AFB. He's working from the company building in Palmdale, for now.
Wednesday -Warm and mostly sunny.
I took the opportunity to put in the straw bales into the back yard. My neighbor came by with a wheel barrel full of chicken sh*t, which I put across the tops, and watered everything. This will be for gardening. I still need to protect them with another fence, from critters, and also protect the trees. The current plan is to replace the old 5' fence on the south side of the house with a new 6' fence and gate, and I can re-purpose the fence fabric to protect the garden area.
Tuesday - Rain, torrential, on Monday night, snow in the mountains around here visible in the morning. A lot of clouds, some blue sky.
I seem to be recovered from the weekend sniffles.
The dentist called, they are closed and will not be putting my crown on tomorrow... Bought some straw at the little hardware store here, and some coffee, since I didn't get into town this weekend.
Book #11 was The War Within (Great Gods War #2), by S.R. Donaldson. This was better than Seventh Decimate, with the kind of anguished and self-doubting heroes (and heroines) we've all come to expect from Donaldson.
Monday - Kind of overcast. Sprinkles.
Sniffle is better, I really want to go for a walk though.
Working away on various things.
Installing various 3rd party packages on the Mini. Libre Office, Gimp, Blue Griffon, etc. OSX Catalina has broken a number of things, Audacity still doesn't have an OSX port, months after Catalina was released. Permissions stuff, mostly.
Sunday - Reasonably dry.
I didn't do any shopping - I had a bit of a sniffle yesterday and today, and didn't want to go out. S says the line waiting to get in at 7am at WinCo stretched out to the street, and inside wrapped entirely around the store walls to get to the register. She didn't bother buying anything.
Neighbor went shopping, said CostCo and Walmart were stripped bare in the
food sections.
Neighbor dropped off a corned beef and potato's dinner for me on the porch in the evening. Delicious!
The Mac Mini was having so much trouble completing the 9GB OSX update that, after two failed WiFi tries, I moved the mini to the front room, along with a monitor and keyboard and mouse, and used an Ethernet cable to directly connect to the router.
That seems to have done it, and after a few hours that was up to date. Then it was the Xcode and other system packages turn to be updated.