Pictures of the Week
10 Weeks of Graphical Display # 11

Week 13,2004 ----- Week 24,2004
  21 March --- 12 June

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Week 13, 2004
Sunset, a day after the spring equinox

Photo Notes: The Spring Equinox was Saturday, but I didn't get out and get this picture until Sunday evening, so it isn't quite the equinox. But the setting sun is almost aligned perfectly with Avenue K, here in Lancaster, California.
Week 14, 2004

HyperX stack in flight
Photo Notes: Here is a shot of the Hyper-X in flight yesterday. This is the "stack", which consists of the rocket booster portion, which is white, and built by Orbital Sciences Corporation, and the "flyer" which is black, at the nose. The "flyer" separates from the booster at high mach number in the atmosphere - a new thing - and then the cowl door to the front of the engine opens and the engine stars and runs for ten seconds or so. The SCRAMJET engine is the small black blob under the flyer.
Week 15, 2004
a rose in my front flower bed
Photo Notes: The roses are blossoming in my front garden. I didn't get around to cutting them back, fertilizing them, or applying any pesticides - yet they grow all the same...
Week 16, 2004
a flower
Photo Notes: The roses are blossoming in my front garden, and many other flowers whose names I do not know.
Week 17, 2004
a cactus with flowers
Photo Notes: In keeping with my recent botanical theme, here is a cactus that is flowering. Yes, cactus have flowers.

Week 18, 2004
peg surfs the web
Photo Notes: My Dad's dog really likes his new laptop. In particular the touchpad is easier than a mouse for critters without fingers.
Week 19, 2004
dog herding geese
Photo Notes: This dog (border collie?) is herding geese at the Lancaster Poppy Festival, a couple of weeks ago. It also herded some rather bored looking sheep. I mean, bored acting, or perhaps bored seeming - sheep don't really emote all that much actually.

Week 20, 2004
bad railroad crossing in Tehachapi
Photo Notes: The bad railroad crossing I wrote about here, just outside the concrete factory in Tehachapi. The correct path to follow is to the left. Note the lack of lights, signs, and other useful navigational aids. The concrete barriers are new I think - and I'm not sure they are an improvement. Is it better to smash into barriers at full speed or get stuck on railroad tracks?
Week 21, 2004
SpaceShipOne accelerates upwards
Photo Notes: The private suborbital spaceship, SpaceShipOne accelerates skywards, this time to 41 miles high!

Week 22, 2004
Clouds from a plane
Photo Notes: The clouds over the American midwest, as seen from a jet aircraft, some years ago.
Week 23, 2004
sundial at solar noon
Photo Notes: This is a sundial along the Interstate 5 in california. The consequences of our daylight savings time policy can be seen here - the shadow of the sun says "noon" but my quartz watch says one o'clock!
Week 24, 2004
P and J at Stratford on Avon
Photo Notes: This is my brother in law and niece in across from Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, where Shakespeare is buried. Probably taken last year sometime. A picture from my own trip a few years back is here.